Author: Gunnar Esiason

Going In For Repairs

The truth of the matter is that I just don’t have time to be sick, or I guess sicker than normal. Between working at the BEF, coaching, trying to have a social life and a million other things I have going on day to day, there’s...

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My sister’s birthday is coming up, so I thought now would be a better time than any to write about her. Sydney, my only sibling, is a year younger than me, just about to turn 22. She does not have CF, nor is she a carrier of the...

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Quenching a Thirst

Last summer I went through a period of time when I could not stay hydrated. It was pretty tough – dehydration is no laughing matter. There’s vomiting, dizziness, exhaustion and really just a desire to do nothing at all. The...

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The G-Tube

If I took my shirt off, unfortunately you wouldn’t see a chiseled movie star’s body. I’m not really looking like the guys from 300 these days. Rather, you would see scars from plenty of stitches or procedures, a lean figure, and...

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Letting the Secret Out

I often get asked why I find it so easy to tell someone new about my cystic fibrosis. The first thing I say in response is that it actually really isn’t the easiest thing in the whole world, it is just easier tell someone about...

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*Nothing contained in these blog posts, podcasts, images, or any other posts should be considered medical advice. Such advice can only be given by a physician who is experienced with cystic fibrosis. The contributors on this blog/podcast cannot be held responsible for any damage which may result from using the information on this blog/podcast without permission of their medical doctor. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog are solely those of the contributors and do not represent the views or opinions of the writer’s employer(s) unless explicitly mentioned.