“A Quiet Place” is charging through the box office having grossed nearly $100,000,000 over its two week run. It’s a big movie.

It’s also an entertaining movie…sort of a “humans vs. monsters” thriller. The premise is that a group of post-apocalyptic survivors try to continue life in a world where (pretty stupid looking) monsters are attracted to noise. As a result it’s the kind of movie where the cast does more showing than telling, and there really isn’t very much sound outside a few action sequences and the occasional spoken word. There might be a grand total of 120 words spoken in the entire movie. A lot of the communication happens through sign language, which was pretty cool. The only noises are that of the environment and the occasional human blunder, and then, of course, the very high-pitched scream from the monsters.

Overall it’s one of those outside-the-box movies that’s probably worth seeing.

It’s a quick movie, about an hour and a half long, which, I have to say, might have been a blessing in disguise because I have never been more aware of my respiratory illness than I was yesterday in the movie theatre.

Each one of my coughs reverberated through theatre like a tornado siren.

I should have heeded the warning from a fellow CF patient who saw the movie about a week ago and then posted his experience on one of the CF Facebook Groups. “Be wary of your CF cough if you go to see ‘A Quiet Place!’” he warned.

I might have coughed a handful of times, but I was aware as hell of each time I did. I mean you could hear a pin drop in this theatre, it was that quiet for the majority of the movie, then all of a sudden… EXPLOSIVE CF COUGH.

So much for the invisible illness.

It wasn’t like every other movie these days that is so loud you wished you had earplugs in about half way through (and also masks the cough). No.

This movie had less noise than a college library.

To that end each one of my coughs was as much a part of the movie as Emily Blunt’s character.

It was also a subtle reminder that I would have lasted about 5 minutes in this post-apocalyptic landscape. The noise-seeking monsters would have quickly devoured me. Sad!


So I say, maybe this movie discriminated against people with respiratory illness.

Did my coughing ruin the viewing experience for all of my movie-going teammates yesterday?

Maybe? But probably not. The sound of people chowing down on popcorn was arguably worse (I hate when people eat with their mouths open).

Either way, since we live in a time when everyone needs to feel offended by something… I’ve decided this would be my something.

Why can’t every single movie be so loud that it covers my cough? I mean I need some way to avoid the side eye out in public!

Hell… I had a professor in college who used to move me out of the room during exams so that I could cough my brains out while the rest of my classmates could take the test in peace!

How did that make me feel? Triggered!

The quietness of “A Quiet Place” offends me. Whatever. Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t.

Maybe I just needed content for a blog this morning?

Go see it… You’ll laugh (even through you’re really not supposed to, but the characters are kind of stupid), you’ll cry (my girlfriend actually cried, which elicited a comment from one of our movie-going peers) and you’ll scream (it’s kind of scary).

Or… go see “Ready Player One” – that movie was awesome.

Yeah…. I spell it, theatre, what of it?
